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Display Your Way - why is it needed?

Updated: Jan 22

The story of this unique concept, launched in 2024 by the Philatelic Traders' Society.

3rd October 2024

We first started discussing the concept of digital exhibiting at Stampex many years ago, in particular how we might create a new way for collectors to access displays to inspire and encourage more participation, whether that be competitively, or socially.

Over the past few years, we've seen some fantastic innovations in the exhibiting space from organisations around the world aimed at expanding traditional exhibiting activities, and engaging new audiences. Examples include part physical/part digital judging, new exhibiting classes, One Frame exhibitions, Frugal Exhibiting, and Virtual Exhibitions. FEPA News is a fantastic resource to stay connected with the latest exhibiting and display concepts.

In May 2024, the PTS launched Display Your Way as a pilot at Virtual Stampex, and in October, Display Your Way will become a physical stamp show attraction at Stampex at the BDC 2024. The Roadmap for Display Your Way includes the expansion of Virtual Stampex to include digital twins of National Exhibition entries from around the world, and the continued development of interactive touch screen technology, complementing traditional frame exhibiting, to make a vast array of displays accessible at physical shows and beyond.

What issues are we trying to solve?

Whilst the PTS's primary objective was to create something to inspire a new generation of collectors to display in their own way, there are of course some areas of traditional exhibiting which we believe Display Your Way will assist in overcoming.

Do any of these issues / sentiments resonate with you? Comment below.

  • Hosting traditional exhibitions is expensive, from the vast floor space required, the cost of frames (to buy, store and maintain), security, logistics costs, and staffing

  • Security is becoming more and more of a concern, as are customs/ transportation requirements for exhibits

  • Costs of exhibitions are often covered by extensive donations, subsidies, charitable funds, and professional sponsorship. These funds are often for “the greater good of philately” but the total exhibition cost per exhibit viewer is always going to be high if the benefits of an exhibition are (mostly) limited to those who exhibit/attend the event in person

  • Exhibiting (or displaying) is an important part of the philatelic ecosystem but for many collectors, exhibiting in a traditional format can be too time consuming, costly, and/or intimidating. Encouraging collectors of all levels and interests boosts the hobby as it leads to more interest in material, research, collaboration, and shared passion!

  • As the world becomes more and more digital, we can see how the use of YouTube and TikTok can inspire people, wherever they live, to start collecting or further develop their hobby, but all of these wonderful traditional philatelic exhibits and displays, with years and years of expert knowledge can often be locked up in a large, out of town conference centre, hidden away for only a few philatelists to enjoy.

We need to unlock this world.

Whilst the PTS believes strongly that traditional exhibiting is a critical part of the philatelic ecosystem, the PTS also believes that that ecosystem is changing rapidly. It is believed that traditional exhibitions will require more and more funding whilst physical visitors to such events will continue to decline year on year. It is also believed that online events such as Virtual Stampex, which attracted more visitors and click/engagement activity in 2024 than in 2023, will continue to grow. This comes at a time when some of the major philatelic funds around the world are being used only or mostly in projects to sustain the "old way" with very little being allocated to investing in the future. The future being not just how an exhibition might look and be accessed, how knowledge is shared, and how competitive philately is marketed, but also a lack of investment in developing a strong and diverse pipeline of exhibitors for decades to come.

Feeding the pipeline…

It is beneficial to the hobby (and the trade) to encourage collectors to advance to the next level in their collecting journey. Display Your Way is not about replacing traditional FIP structures, it is about driving more collectors towards the podium, and encourage innovation in the field! Ambition, recognition, inspiration, medals!

We need to help collectors see that there are many levels to move through from sharing page content for feeback online or at a society meeting to one frame displays to national to international exhibitions.

We need to build a community and safe space for those who are keen or open to sharing their collection.

We need to harness as much digital content as possible for future research/knowledge retention.

This is not just about inspiring existing collectors, this is about attracting new people to the hobby by helping them see that there is a “league” but there are also guides and support while they are “messing about on the field”.

At a grass roots level, exhibiting can be about:

  • Presenting your collection in a creative and inspiring way – to tell your story

  • Getting feedback on how you might improve your collection – in a way that inspires you, not simply in a way that scores you more points

  • Developing new paths to explore – seeing the vast network of experience and ideas out there

A good old sporting analogy...

Lets think about how top athletes get to the top of their field in a sport like football or tennis..., well it requires investment and participation at the grass roots level, and then the support, competitions, rules, experts, and structures in place to support people as they develop.

Now, lets image this great illustration of performance v. participation applicable to philately...

And whilst we really don't like a "doom and gloom" attitude at the PTS, lets just overlay some of the issues and challenges people talk to us about (a lot!)

Display our Way seeks to show people the path to performance, and encourage collectors to take the first, safe, supported step onto the ladder. But we also want to celebrate those who are happy to participate, without the desire to push themselves or add time pressure to their enjoyment of the sport. We all know an amateur golfer who plays whenever they can at their club level, and they are getting better every year, they might even be club captain one day, or have an article written about them in a magazine, but they ain't ever going to be Tiger Woods!

The PTS and Stampex conducted research into what other industries and fields of academic study were doing in this space to inform it's Display Your Way concept.

Examples of the PTS & Stampex's Display Your Way Roadmap include:

  • Replace frames/ security element with digital screens/ printed copies

  • Allow enthusiasts to view Displays for free if they cannot make it to a physical show

  • Encourage "digital twin" exhibiting at Virtual Stampex in dedicated National Exhibition rooms at the show (confirmed for VS2025)

  • Showcase a wide range of exhibits from Elite to Foundation with limited “rules” on format/ style – one might be a video showcase, one just a poster, one a framed piece…

  • Link exhibits to a YouTube video by the exhibitor explaining more about the story and how they developed it

  • Allow public voting/comment to encourage Exhibiting Community development and knowledge sharing

We're already on the road!

Did you see Display Your Way at Virtual Stampex?

Scroll to about 09:08 minutes in on this YouTube to see the pilot which will expand into both Display Your Way and National Exhibitions next year.

And we have invested in the software and technology for a physical pilot at Stampex at the BDC in London 2024. We can't wait to show you photos of what this looks like during the event! We will have three interactive screens this year. We hope all visitors get some time to view the Displays but perhaps we will need to install more Display Your Way screens next year...

How can you get involved?

As an exhibitor: Please consider how you might inspire someone new to collect or start exhibiting by allowing us to share your Exhibit (as a pdf document) at Stampex: Display Your Way

As a collector: Do you have a collection or draft display you'd love to share at Stampex? Why not take some scans and share your story at Stampex: Display Your Way

As a Stampex visitor: Visit our Display Your Way interactive screens at the show, on the Gallery Atrium. Vote for your favourite Display, and give us feedback as to how you'd like the concept to develop.

As a society: Firstly, share this Display Your Way story and opportunity with your society, and then consider applying to be a guest society at an upcoming Stampex or Virtual Stampex.

As a National exhibition organising committee member: If you would like to host digital "twins" of your latest National exhibition at Virtual Stampex 2025, get in touch. We can help you with communication to your exhibitors to encourage them to scan and take part. Image the Portugal National Exhibition Room, or the Canadian National Exhibition Room etc... World Class exhibits for the world to see, connect with, be inspired by, learn from, collaborate with...


Do you have an idea about how we can further encourage collectors to step into the Display/ Exhibiting space? Let us know in the comments below.

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Oct 03, 2024

There is also the scope to scan physical exhibitions because, although they may not be the most exciting in terms of graphic design, they contain an awful lot of knowledge which should be captured and preserved; and perhaps then reinterpreted in a virtual exhibition.

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